Emergency Preparation: Every Day Carry (EDC)

Feb 26, 2014

“Every day carry refers to a small collection of tools, equipment and supplies that are carried on a daily basis to assist in tackling situations ranging from the mundane to the disastrous.”

GO BOX Storage wants to help with your emergency preparation. Watch for the GO BOX Storage give away on Facebook during March through October 2014.

This every day carry (EDC) is for city use. It is small enough to carry on a key-chain or lanyard. Carrying your EDC on your key-chain ensures that safety equipment is always with you whenever you leave the house. This EDC combination is very light and works very well with older children and women. Children particularly like using a lanyard.

  • Swiss Army knife, basic model
  • LED key-chain light
  • whistle
  • lanyard (optional)

The Swiss Army knife is a very personal piece of equipment. If you don’t already have a preferred knife a small, basic knife is better on a key-chain EDC. A basic knife will have: a small knife, can opener, bottle opener, toothpick, tweezers, corkscrew and awe. Practice using your knife at home. You will find it a very useful tool.

If a child is going to be carrying a knife, the child should be instructed on responsible tool use. Most eight to ten year old children can be responsible tool users.

I don’t know how many times the LED light has helped me find the keyhole in the dark. During an emergency, an LED light is a very useful tool for signalling for help. I have never needed to use a whistle, but during an emergency, a whistle can make a very loud noise. A whistle is an excellent device for personal safety. A whistle will help a child in distress signal for help.

An LED key-chain light is a very useful, inexpensive piece of safety gear.

We all hope we will never need to use an emergency signalling whistle to attract help.

SOS TIP: GO BOX Storage wants to help with your emergency preparation. To help with your emergency preparation GO BOX Storage is having a give away on Facebook. During March 2014 GO BOX Storage will be giving away Victorinox Sport Knife on Facebook. Watch for the give away!

For more information please see the Emergency Preparation Series.